ILYA(イリア) ロゴ

Aozora Bank

2003. 12. 03

Confronted with the mandate from our top management of determining how to rid ourselves of the conventional hard image of the head office of a bank, and express the concept of our new corporate brand, I had reached an impasse. What’s more, the date of our move was already set, and time was short. Corporate branding for banks nowadays encompasses a wide range of concepts: soundness, innovation, expertise, friendliness, speed, composure, openness, sociality and so on. Add to that, living in harmony with nature.
ILYA provided clear solutions to this difficult problem. We commissioned ILYA for the interior design and construction management of the entrance, the branch’s face and the customer’s point of contact with the bank; the teller’s window lobby; the reception floor; and the executive floor.
The entrance has the composure expected of a business environment; the teller’s window lobby layout reflects customers’ needs, fusing nature and finance technology; the reception and executive floors express dignity, openness, activity, and communication respectively. The space also expresses the youthful qualities of a financial institution reborn. We held numerous meetings to determine the design. I vacillated between wanting to go with the proposed design, and worrying about being too radical. But having trusted ILYA’s judgment, I am most satisfied.
I feel fortunate to have encountered ILYA, and would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude once again.