ILYA(イリア) ロゴ

Grand Hyatt Tokyo

2004. 12. 03

ILYA participated as purchasing agents on the Grand Hyatt Tokyo project, which opened in Roppongi in 2004.
Their broad-spectrum PA services began with determining the budget for FFE (furniture, furnishing and equipment) and covered reading and sorting the designers’ specs and preparing the necessary drawings; researching and analyzing suppliers; directing and supervising production; budget management and purchasing; supervising on-site preparation and installation; and completing the as-built design drawings and specifications. In every step of the process they demonstrated full use of their maneuverability, accuracy, and coordination abilities. Moreover, I appreciated their creative advice. I might add that their competence and performance reflected the additional of experience gained since I worked with them on the Park Hyatt Tokyo ten years back.
The Grand Hyatt project was extremely complex, in that it involved the work of three top designers and underwent several changes along the way. Without ILYA’s concerted efforts, I’m not sure we would have been able to proceed on schedule, stay with budget and open without a hitch.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend ILYA for any project, and on behalf of the Hyatt, look forward to the opportunity to call on their services again.